The Return of “Tut”

Our passion for the ancient Egyptian civilization as a way of life is based on faith, ethics and science. The passion of many people around the world goes for the secrets that the civilization holds undiscovered until today. What if that civilization continued to develop until today?
The ancient Egyptians were the greatest artists, the first builders and architects, and their impressive monuments bear witness to them and the pyramid, which is one of the wonders of the world and the largest building in history.
They were the first to call for monotheism and believed in immortality, and the first miners and prospectors in history. They also showed an amazing skill in crafting ornaments and jewelry with their simple machines and equipment. They had a far vaster knowledge of spinning, weaving, and making fabrics and exporting them abroad. Europe continued until the last century using methods not much different from the methods of the ancient Egyptians in that industry. They were among the most skilled sculptors and artists who tamed the hardest stones and made rare masterpieces from them that are unparalleled in history. They had great knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, medicine, mummification – which astonished the world – and chemistry. They installed a number of compounds and minerals. Ancient Egyptians created dance performances and were excelled in literature and arts, the first to use rhetoric, metaphor and symbol in their writings.

In fact, it is difficult to enumerate everything that they began in the history of mankind and everything that they excelled in and innovated in. What researchers, scholars and writers publish, no matter how much, remains just cuts, summaries and simple features of that eternal civilization.  And because everything fades out by time … man, time, and civilizations, nothing remains as a witness to it but its arts and creations, so this will be our way for scientific and artistic knowledge to spread.
“TUTERA” … is an Egyptian vision and initiative of a group of young experts and designers whose goal is to strive to inherit a contemporary Egyptian identity in a scientific manner, to serve as a technical school of thought that complements the spirit of sophistication and grandeur of the ancient Egyptian civilization in a modern way without imitation or copying. It started with a scientific research published in 2004 and embodied in a practical way in 2015 with the development of perceptions in the field of arts, architecture and urbanism, with which we imagine together the answer to the previous question, and even be the beginning of a new formulation of the Egyptian identity in the fields of arts and architecture in our present time.
The story of “TUTERA” revolves around imagining the return of King “Tutankhamun” to complete what he dreamed of for modern Egypt and build a new city named after “TUTERA”, which is in the form of a pyramid with a scale up to four times the size of “Khufu” pyramid, the meanings of the ancient civilization are rooted in a modern technical style, using the latest futuristic technology in that city with some scientifically built standards and constants for the symbols and meanings of the ancient Egyptian civilization. This virtual city reviews the imaginary style and way of life for the lives of Egyptians in the future and reviews various types of arts, literature, architectural and urban ideas, where all interested, artists, designers, authors and producers around the world may strive and participate in.